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It all started when she wanted more of life. Working full-time as a travel agent, photography helped her find a creative balance in the everyday struggle. She wanted to dive deeper and started studying educational arts.

As this section in life is pretty hard to deal with, debbova has a lot of respect towards people working in all kinds of artsy companies or institutions. There are so many different opinions and wishes. At the same time possibilities seem to be endless, which definitely is a form of freedom she wants to enjoy.

Debra is mostly working on topics influenced by her private interests. Often, they share a social relevance. Her work includes the human mind, motivation and way of life. 


Irritation, unimportance and imperfection are key elements in her photography. She wants to show the hidden aesthetics and moving stories behind human beings. With her work she wants to achieve more understanding for people who fall out of the "normal" system and show their kind of thoughts on life.

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Bruckbachstrasse 11

5102 anther ring


Phone: +43 660 68 05 184


photographic documentation

portraits / nude shootings

event photography

business portraits and business card design

logo design / flyer design 


If you are interested, make an inquiry so we can talk about the details. There is no flat rate,  because every service (and human being) has its differences, depending on what your wishes and expectations are and what I am able to give you in the result._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Until now, I have found out that there is a thing, that I would call "my style", but I am interested and opened up to new ideas and working together for something better. 



The art of authentically representing happenings, stories or parties is difficult, especially when there is a difference in peoples minds. And we all know there arealways several perspectives you can devote to. 

debbova tries to focus on the emotional parts and a deeper meaning in her documentary work.


No matter which kind of portrait photography you are looking for, debbova has a wide experience between classics, business, artsy and sometimes even a whole new kind of portrait-shots, between all the well-known, already existing ideas. Photo sessions are easy going and with no pressure. As she also wants has experienced the other side, in front of the camera, she takes care of her models and them to feel relaxed and good in her studio or any other shooting place. She always tries to reach the best results in her photographs, trying out different styles and experimenting with light and shadows in faces it always looks different. 

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In der Welt der Event-Fotografie geht es darum, die flüchtigen Momente und die einzigartige Atmosphäre jeder Veranstaltung einzufangen. Ich bemühe mich die Dynamik und die Emotionen von Ereignissen festzuhalten, sei es bei Partys, festlichen Anlässen oder intimen Feierlichkeiten. Mit einem scharfen Auge für Details und dem richtigen Timing dokumentiere ich die Highlights und die unbeobachteten Augenblicke, die zusammen das wahre Wesen des Events widerspiegeln. Mein Ziel ist es, mit Bildern die Geschichte Deines Events zu erzählen und bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen, die die Zeit überdauern


No matter which kind of portrait photography you are looking for, debbova has a wide experience between classics, business, artsy and sometimes even a whole new kind of portrait-shots, between all the well-known, already existing ideas. Photo sessions are easy going and with no pressure. As she also wants has experienced the other side, in front of the camera, she takes care of her models and them to feel relaxed and good in her studio or any other shooting place. She always tries to reach the best results in her photographs, trying out different styles and experimenting with light and shadows in faces it always looks different. 



The art of authentically representing happenings, stories or parties is difficult, especially when there is a difference in peoples minds. And we all know there arealways several perspectives you can devote to. 

debbova tries to focus on the emotional parts and a deeper meaning in her documentary work.

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